
A Promise Worth Living For

Donned in black and gold, the students streamed into the coliseum. The air was electric with excitement as they crossed the stage, shook hands with the dean, and received their diplomas. In what felt like an instant, they had graduated and moved on to “adulthood.” But I remember an equally exciting—and terrifying—day five years earlier: college orientation.

My son and I arrived at the university expecting to participate in an upbeat, energized, welcoming weekend that would infuse both of us with excitement. The student orientation team was enthusiastic as they distributed T-shirts and led the students in learning the fight song. They clearly loved their school.

Nothing, however, prepared us for the welcome speeches. Time and time again we heard, There is a lot of competition here. You’ll be overwhelmed. You will struggle. You will experience your first failing grade. My son was more than just a little intimidated by the time we left.

This university is ranked in the top five in the world for the field of study he wanted to pursue. Students from all over the world want to attend there, and the competition just to get in is tough. Those accepted have always been at the top of their class. Most of them have rarely had to study and have probably never failed a test, let alone a class. They are smart and naturally talented. So why does this university give them such dire warnings?

Because they want them to know the road to graduation day is not an easy path. It’s more like an uphill, rocky climb. They would have to dig deep to find strength and fortitude if they were going to make it.

Yet all those young people walking across the stage that graduation day, including my son, had decided to attend a university warning them about adversity. Why? For one reason: they also promise students who persevere a thorough, well-respected, marketable degree that will equip them to be the best they can be in their chosen field. Companies recruit heavily from there, and an excellent job is almost a certainty for any student who wants it.

Most students decide the promise is worth the struggle.

Is this not true for us as Christians too? {Read More ….}

Followers of Jesus must choose whether or not the promise is worth the struggle. Click To Tweet

I am sharing over at The Glorious Table today I hope you will join us over there and discover why “the school of Jesus” is worth it.


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