Are You a Dressed-up Christian?
Several years ago our family traveled from Georgia to Colorado for a skiing vacation. We had a black Labrador named Tessa at the time. As anyone with pets knows, vacations present the conundrum of what to do with them while you’re away.
Fortunately, friends offered to take Tessa for the week. They had lost their dog several months earlier and missed having one. So with great anticipation on both sides, we dropped her off at their home.
Our friends’ daughter was quite put out with us for coming to pick up Tessa when we returned. Our dog had been her favorite playmate that week. We heard all about how she and Tessa would lie down together to watch TV, how she walked her, how she played with her, and yes, how she played dress-up with her. Tessa was even transformed one evening into Hannah Montana—complete with a blonde wig and pink cap.
But you know what? Nothing my friend’s daughter dressed our pet in changed the fact that Tessa was a dog. Tessa would have had to undergo quite the transformation to become Hannah Montana. What she wore on the outside did not make it so.
How often do we “Christians” fall prey to thinking, “If I look the part, then it must be so”?
I am honored to be a guest writer for The Glorious Table and I invite you to join us over there as we discover what Jesus has to say to us about how we “dress.”

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God Are You Good?
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