Holiness,  Living Holy,  Resolutions

I Don’t Make New Year Resolutions

I don’t make New Year’s Resolutions

Did you know that 50% of our population makes New Year’s Resolutions?   88% of those people will fail in keeping their resolutions by mid February because they are either to vague or too big. So why make one right? The chances of me being in the 12% are pretty slim. It’s just easier to be in the other 50% who don’t even try.

That is not why I do not make resolutions.

I don’t make New Year Resolutions because I have an every-day resolution. Live Holy.

 “But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: ‘Be holy, because I am holy.’” (1 Peter 2:15-16)

This is my life verse.

Living Holy is God’s resolution for all of us. This is what He wants for and from us all. This looks like it’s so vague and too big to be attainable right? Won’t we just fail?

We might. There are definitely days I do not live holy. My words and my actions and my attitudes are anything but holy. However, unlike resolutions where our inability to follow through on them means we fail, the same is not true about living holy. Our holiness is not based on anything we do or anything we achieve. God is the one who makes us holy. His Word says BE holy – meaning be – live, exemplify -what you already are. His word shows us how in every aspect of life.

When I filter my decisions, my thoughts, my words, my actions through the lens of living holy I will tap into the power of the Holy Spirit to be who I am to be and do what I am to do according to God’s Word.

I will treat my body as a temple.

I will exercise the fruit of patience.

I will temper my language to build up and not tear down.

I will forgive.

I will love my neighbor.

I will be generous.

I will spend more time with people and less time on Facebook.  🙂

Living Holy is not a goal to be achieved in 2015. It is a way to live life. Each day. Every day.

Living Holy,


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